Laptop Computer Generations

Laptop Computer Generations

            Some use laptop computers but others use personal computers (PC). Laptop has functions similar to PC but they give comfort and they are easy to use as you move around more than PC. However, they also have some conditions that are unfavorable.
            Laptop offers the user four favorable conditions. Firstly, they have easy portability that allows users to carry them in many places, not only at home and at the office but also while commuting or in flights, in coffee shop, in lecture hall easy internet access so users can get online in every Wi-Fi zone. Thirdly, they are smaller than desktop PC, so it very handy. Finally, a charged laptop can still be used in case of power outage and is not affected by short power interruption and blackouts.
             However, laptops have disadvantages too. First, the highest level of performance of laptops remains much lower than that of PC. Second, they are difficult to repair, upgrade or modify due to their closed and integrated design. Third, parts replacements of original external and internal components are expensive, and usually non-interchangeable. Fourth, they have batteries but drain rapidly with frequent use and they need charging to continue using it. Finally, they are too expensive compared to the price of PC.
            In conclusion, I believe that, despite the disadvantages, laptops are essential. They do not just come handy but they have the comfort no PC can give.

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